As I'm sure you can tell, I love the WnW ColorIcon palettes from last year. I found the shadows to be pigmented, smooth, and blendable. The Lust palette even made it into my top products of 2010! When I heard about the new trios, I decided to try them out. I found them last night at my local Rite Aid. I must say, they're pretty cool. I'll have palette pics and swatches up tomorrow night, but for now you can check out my review on YouTube.
Each palette contains three shadows- eyelid, crease, and brow bone. The shadows are stamped with placement directions to help you create a specific look. You can use them however you like, but the directions serve as a nice guide.
Here are some brief descriptions:
I Dream of Greenie is very pretty, but also a little bright. It screams 'spring' to me. (It has a lime lid color, seafoam for the crease, and mint highlight).

Silent Treatment is a nice neutral trio, lovely pigmentation and smooth blending. This is a perfect set to keep in your purse, travel bag, etc. (Taupe lid, brown glittery crease, peach highlight.)

Spoiled Brat was cool, but you lose a little glitter after you blend. I'm not sure how often I'd wear this, but it would definitely be an attention grabber. (Magenta lid, black glittery crease, silver highlight).

I Got Good Jeans was a real surprise. I almost didn't buy it because I thought the combo would look garish. It actually creates a nice smoky eye with a unique pop of gold on the lid. (gold lid, navy shimmer crease, silvery blue highlight)

I was least impressed with I'm Feeling Retro, simply because the color combo doesn't flatter my coloring or style. The colors are still very pretty and definitely retro. (purple lid, teal crease, white shimmery highlight)

I didn't buy I'm Getting Sunburned because I knew I would never use it. I have so many browns and I don't like pink shadows.
I feel like the combos look best if you put the colors where they tell you to, however the silver highlights look a bit over the top. All in all, they're great products and perfect if you like bright colors. The pigmentation, color selection, and textures you get in these trios simply cannot be beat, especially not at this fabulous price!
Also, they're on sale at Rite Aid for $1.99 each